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A transformative online course designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to provide respectful and culturally sensitive care to Afghan refugees.

Healthcare of Afghan Refugees


Expand your expertise to meet the unique healthcare needs of Afghan refugees. Equip yourself with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate this critical and evolving area of healthcare with confidence and competence.

Ready to Learn More About Refugee Care?

Make a meaningful impact but are unsure how to navigate these new healthcare challenges

You're ready to...

Provide compassionate and respectful care but feel limited by insufficient training and resources

You're ready to...

Understand Afghan refugees' health needs, yet lack specific cultural and medical insights

You're ready to...

Sound familiar?

If I can bridge cultural gaps and make an impact in healthcare, so can you – let me show you the way!

I'm Dr. Allyson Crain and my expertise is rooted at the intersection of global health, education, and clinical practice. My journey began in the military as a Pashto interpreter, where I developed a deep understanding of culturally sensitive care across diverse populations. Following my military service, I embraced various roles in healthcare, further honing my skills and knowledge in various clinical and academic settings.

Committed to the cause of compassionate care, I have integrated my experiences into a comprehensive virtual course, designed to enhance the capabilities of healthcare professionals in caring for Afghan refugees.

Meet your teacher!

Global Midwife | Women's Health NP

1. Cultural Understanding

2. Effective Communication

3. Informed Strategies

4. Compassionate Practice

I am excited to share essential insights and knowledge that will enhance your healthcare delivery, paving the way for you to provide more impactful and compassionate care

Transform Your Approach to Refugee Healthcare

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Learn culturally sensitive practices, strategies, and comprehensive knowledge to compassionately care for Afghan refugees

Healthcare of Afghan Refugees


Register here

Navigating Cultural Barriers

Inside this course you'll learn
a lot .... including:

Understanding and overcoming cultural differences in healthcare settings

Patient Communication Strategies

Mastering effective communication techniques 

Culturally Sensitive Health Assessments

Learning to conduct respectful and informed health evaluations

Adapting to Diverse Health Beliefs

Gaining insights into different health beliefs and integrating them into patient care

OB/GYN Visits 

Mental Health

Hospital Visits

This module addresses the important aspects of clinical care for Afghan refugees. It emphasizes culturally sensitive and respectful practices in various clinical scenarios

Clinical Considerations


Patient Assessment

Refugee Experiences

Healthcare in Afghanistan 

Learn about the healthcare system in Afghanistan and the healthcare experiences of Afghan refugees in the US. This module includes practical approaches to patient assessment, focusing on the specific needs of this population

Healthcare Overview


Refugee Crisis

Culture of Afghanistan

History of War

Understand the history of Afghanistan, the impact of war, and the resulting refugee crisis. This module provides essential context for healthcare professionals.

History of Afghanistan


Ready to take a peak inside?

Over 70 clickable links to peer-reviewed sources with more information 

Reference List

Over 25 clickable links to videos and documents to support your patients 

Dari Resources

Over 35 clickable links to videos and documents to support your patients 

Pashto Resources

Crafted to complement your learning in this course...

And There's More to Enhance Your Learning!

Small shifts in your approach and understanding can lead to improvements in patient interactions

Personalized Care Strategies

Standardized Care Approach

Effective Communication Skills

Communication Barriers

Comprehensive Resources

Limited helpful Resources

Confident Multicultural Interactions

Uncertainty in Multicultural Care

To this

From this

Transform your knowledge, skills, and practice to address the unique healthcare needs of Afghan refugees


How Much is the Course?


5 Continuing Education Credits through ACNM

Register here

Ready to Shift Your Approach? 

The course material is delivered through a blend of video lessons, and downloadable resources, module quizzes, and resource guides. Plus, you'll be able to email me if you have any questions or need support. 

How is the course content delivered?

You'll have a deeper understanding of the culture and healthcare needs, improved communication skills and practical strategies for  patient care. You'll also earn continuing education credits from the American College of Nurse Midwives.

What will I gain from completing this course?

This course is specifically tailored for healthcare professionals - including midwives, nurses, physicians, and physician assistants - who seek to enhance their ability to provide culturally sensitive and competent care to Afghan refugees.

Who is this course designed for?

And just in case you're wondering....

Alex, Midwife

Really interesting! There was so much I didn't realize was important. The skills I learned made a difference in my patient interactions. 

Jamie, Midwife

I learned a lot. The resources were particularly useful. Highly recommend it for any healthcare professional.

SamMY, Nurse practitioner

This course was great! The cultural insights and strategies were helpful. It's been an invaluable addition to my practice.

over 100 dedicated healthcare professionals have SHIFTED their approach to care

This Could Be Your Story...

That's me!

You Value Continuous Learning

You're Looking for Practical Strategies

You Aspire to Improve Interactions with Patients

You Aim for Compassionate Healthcare

You're Want to Shift Your Understanding and Knowledge

This Course is Perfect for You If...

This course equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to provide sensitive and compassionate healthcare to refugees. Transform your approach to patient care starting today!

This Is Your Chance to Advance Your Skills and Understanding...


Have questions? Get in touch!